|  | Youth Basketball Gooroo Youth Basketball Drills In 2014, FastModel Sports launched a "Gooroo" app for youth basketball coaches, offering curricula designed by Tara VanDerveer and George Karl with over 150 drills for girls and boys in grades 5-8, including instructional videos (which I used to develop Dribbling - Gooroo fullcourt). The Gooroo app is no longer available, but almost all the videos are on the FastModel Sports YouTube channel. Here are links to the drills playlists and most of the videos, with brief descriptions and links to drills from other sources. Playlists Warm-up - Tara VanDerveer
- Warm-up 1
- toe walks, heel walks
- over-and-back hops (two feet, one foot)
- Warm-up 2
- knee to chest, froggy (open the gate), slow-fast-faster-fastest (forward, backward)
- side to side hops (one foot)
- Warm-up 3
- tin man (Frankenstein), monster walk (lunge walk, arms out)
- run forwards then backwards on each whistle (or on "change"; progression - slide, change direction)
- jump and freeze (one foot to the other, skaters)
- Warm-up 4
- skipping (forward, backward)
- lean and run (lean forward, jog at the last second)
- run & change directions 180 degrees on a whistle (or on "change"; progression - while dribbling)
- running mirror (with partner, switch), sliding mirror
- see Dribbling - Change direction, Defending - Duke mirror

- George Karl
- Warm-up 1
- quad pulls to halfcourt, high knees, jog forwards & backwards, defensive step-slide on "step" (progression - 3 quick slides and stop)
- see Defending - Memphis stance
- Warm-up 2
- knee pulls, skipping (up not out), carioca
- run to halfcourt, backwards to the far baseline, repeat coming back
- SNYB - backwards to halfcourt, forwards to the far baseline, repeat coming back, relay race
- Warm-up 3
- hopping (sideways hop in the air, bring feet together, like a rabbit), butt kicks, sprint to halfcourt and back
- Warm-up 4 (no video)
- arm circles on the baseline, leg swings (front to back and side to side, each leg)
- side lunges (walk, side lunge, groin stretch both ways), layup footwork (R-L-jump to halfcourt, come back L-R-jump)
- Warm-up 5
- high-knees to halfcourt with right-hand dribble, back with the left hand
- slide to halfcourt left-hand dribbling, back with the right hand
- dribble right hand to halfcourt, return backwards dribbling with the left hand
- crossover dribble to halfcourt and back (change direction)
- see Defending - Slide and run (partner options)
- Zig-zag warm-up
- halfcourt zig-zag defensive slides
- see Jr. NBA - Warm-up, Youth Dynamic Warm-up

Form Layups Layups - Tara VanDerveer
- George Karl
- Mikan competition
- do 3 Mikans (RH-LH-RH), hand the ball to the next guy in line, make the most
- Reverse Mikan competition
- 3 reverse Mikans (RH-LH-RH), next guy goes, make the most (back to the baseline, RH off left foot, LH off right foot)
- see Post play - Mikans (individual competion)
- Warm-up layups
- 3 players, rotate layups from the right wing, out top, left wing
- see Layups - Alternate

Form Shooting - Tara VanDerveer
- George Karl
- Shooting technique
- power and balance from legs, preparation, eyes on rim, elbow under, shoot up not out
- Ground shooting
- lying on your back, 100 reps
- Partner
- shoot to a partner, up in the air, good flick of the wrist
Shooting - Tara VanDerveer
- George Karl
Stationary Ballhandling - Tara VanDerveer
- Ballhandling routines
- Part 1
- slaps, taps, wrap waist, legs, head-waist-legs (corkscrew)
- Part 2
- leg wraps, figure-8 wrap, pound dribble low to high
- Part 3
- one-leg dribble, figure-8 dribble
- Part 4
- push-pull (walk the dog), windshield wipers
- Part 5
- crossovers, between and under, behind the back
- Ladder dribbling
- 5 pounds, cross, 4 pounds, cross, 3 pounds, cross, 2 pounds, cross, 1 pound
- see Dribbling - Tauer stationary
- Full-body dribbling
- lying on your back, dribble with one hand, sit up then stand up
- Piano dribbling
- sitting, dribble using fingers, go under the legs, repeat
- see Finger dribble (Jr. NBA)
- Two-ball routine
- Part 1
- both low, one high one low, windshield together, windshield apart
- Part 2
- push-pull, figure-8 ball chase
- see Jr. NBA - Ballhandling Stationary

Dribbling - George Karl
- Dribble tag
- everybody is it, out if tagged, halfcourt then inside the 3-point line
- see Dribbling - Dribble tag
- Dribble knock-out
- Speed dribbling relay race
- see Jr. NBA - Ballhandling Games
- Bleacher dribbling (sitting on a bench)
- Part 1
- finger taps, RH low, LH low
- Part 2
- RH high, LH high, crossover, under the legs, 3 RH cross 3 LH
- Around the court dribbling
- Crossover
- crossover moves up the sideline (3 cones) to halfcourt, RH speed dribble cross court, crossovers to the baseline, LH speed dribble back
- see Dribbling - Iowa lines, Halfcourt moves
- Between the legs
- Follow the leader
- Follow the leader, 3 moves up the sideline (3 cones, fullcourt), RH speed dribble the baseline, 3 moves up other sideline, LH speed dribble baseline

Dribbling - Gooroo fullcourt - George Karl
- Fullcourt dribbling review
- 3 lines of 3 cones each, hesitation (RH up, LH back), crossover, between the legs, wrap behind the back RH to LH (cross it back) then LH to RH, mixed moves
- Crosscourt dribbling part 1 (no other videos)
- line of 4 cones, speed dribble (RH across, LH back), hesitation, crossover

- Tara VanDerveer
Passing - Tara VanDerveer
- George Karl
Defence - Tara VanDerveer
- Zig-zag warm-up
- Zig-zag practice
- to halfcourt with partner, defender keeps head on the ball, dribbler crosses over
- see Defending - Zig-zag halfcourt
- Defensive stance
- "sit on a stool", back straight, feet shoulder width apart, weight on balls of feet, arms out, palms up
- Mass defence part 1
- stance, 3 slides (reach)
- drop, slide, come back, drop, slide, come back (coach holds a ball)
- Mass defence part 2
- stance, stutter (hot feet), sliding, take a charge, stutter, shot box-out
- see Jr. NBA - Defence, Defending - Nash wave drill
- Boxing out
- with partner, on "shot", forearm tag (right, then left), turn and box out, hands up and out
- see Jr. NBA - Rebounding (Wall box-out, No-ball box-out)
- Rebound and outlet
- right side (then left), coach tosses a ball, rebound, turn outside, outlet, switch lines
- see Rebounding - Rebound-outlet

- George Karl
- Close-out
- 3-4 players, roll a ball, close out, go behind
- Close-out cut off
- roll a ball, close out, cut off one dribble right (then left), trace the ball when it's picked up
- see Defending - Close-out lines
- Partner box-out
- attacker moves left or right, pivot into him, box out, hands high and out, be big
- Pride rebounding
- coach shoots, 3 on 3 rebounding, then 2 on 2 then 1 on 1
- Rebound outlet layup
Offence - Tara VanDerveer
- George Karl