Tactics 3 on 0 downscreens
| 1 FIBA Coaching Library
Pop cuts
1 passes to 2 and downscreens for 3, who v-cuts on the pass to 2 and pops to the top. 1 inside cuts then replaces 3 on the wing.
Paul Hewitt - don't screen at the elbow, that's where a cutter wants to get the ball. |
| 2 To continue, 2 passes to 3 who passes to 1 and downscreens for 2, who v-cuts and pops.
| 3 Curl cuts
3 curl cuts off 1's screen, 1 out cuts (pops), 3 self replaces.
| 4 To continue, 2 will pass to 1 who passes to 3 and downscreens for 2. 2 curl cuts, 1 out cuts.
1 is always the screener.
| 5 Backcuts
3 backcuts, 1 out cuts, 3 self replaces on the wing.
| 6 2 backcuts.
1 is again always the screener.
| 7 Flare/re-screen
3 bumps/pushes 1, who pivots to re-screen (pin screen), 3 flares, 1 comes back out top.
(Option - 1 inside cuts, see 3 on 0 back/flarescreens)
| 8 To continue, 2 bumps and fades, 1 re-screens.
1 is always the screener.
| 9 Slips
1 slips the downscreen to the basket, 3 replaces 1 at the top, 1 replaces 3 on the wing.
| 10 3 slips the next downscreen.