| 1 Ian MacKinnon
3 players with 2 balls in each group, the rotation is shoot, rebound, pass, relocate for a pass and your next shot. Go two minutes catch and shoot, two minutes one-dribble pull-ups, then two minutes 3's, with individual scores, losers run twice, the overall winner must go 2 for 2 (or 3 for 4) from the foul line or runs once.
With 4 or more players in a group, use one fewer balls than players. Variations - have a winner in each group - first player to make 7 mid-range shots (15 feet), 7 pull-ups, 7 threes - shoot until one group has 50 takes each (target 6 minutes) - losers run a quarter-suicide for each deficit point behind the winner (e.g. a full suicide for a 4-point deficit). (Variation - each round is a separate competition) Herb Brown - three players with two balls, three different offensive moves in 90-second segments. Chris Collins - Scoring in the paint - work on layups, floaters and other finishes, the rotation is different, the player without a ball rebounds and takes the ball out, the shooter rebounds the next shot, make 20 combined.Jay Triano - 3-man 2-ball - shoot, rebound, pass, get out to 18 feet anywhere on the floor, first group to make 21. Chris Oliver - three shooters with two balls is the only shooting drill they run in practice. Usually he asks a player to pick a number they shoot to, e.g. first team to 30 (or less), or shoot for time or first player to 10 makes. Incorporate different passes (e.g. one hand off the dribble), and vary or alternate shots, e.g., 3s, pull-ups, floaters, stepbacks, contested, layups. If the drill is called 4 times they will easily meet the goal of 200 individual shots per practice. Each group starts when ready, don't wait for everyone. (Variation - one team with 3-4 balls at each main basket) see Shooting - Olympic, Nash 20-minute workout, Bill Self partner. |