| ![clear.gif](../images/clear.gif) | Fundamentals Dribbling Series This series is a progression of drills to work on dribbling skills, including two-ball drills. See Blog post - Dribbling Series, other blog posts on Dribbling & Moves, Skills Checklists - Dribbling, YouTube playlist - Dribbling Series. Stationary Drills See Off-Season YouTube Drills > Ballhandling & Dribbling, also Jr. NBA Ballhandling - Stationary. Especially with younger players, start with no-dribble Maravich drills such as ball slaps, taps and wraps, add dribbling such as pounds, v-dribbles (front, side), leg circles, figure 8, cross, between, behind, and then combo moves. See For my go-to drills see and progressions include See YouTube playlist - Go-to stationary, also Nepean Blue Devils At-Home Indoor Drills. See Two Balls Common stationary two-ball options include pounds, pistons, one high one low, front and side v-dribbles (same time, opposing), and crossovers. For these and other options (e.g. leg circles, figure-8, traps, juggling, one hand, push thru), see Attacks and Stops Another stationary progression is working on first-step attacks into a dribble stop, e.g., a drop move or jab step from triple threat into an inverted drag or speed-stop exchange (I like this as part of our form shooting progression, make a move and shoot to your partner). See Up and Back One ball then two balls, halfcourt, fullcourt, cross-court. I like to start with a halfcourt continuous "footwork" ballhandling series, using short quick steps, then go fullcourt for game-speed moves (adding wrap and spin dribbles), with a pound dribble into each move or just 3 (or 2) moves each trip. To cover lateral dribbling, work on a bounce-off to create separation away from a defender, a glide (lift) hesi to freeze them, and a control (crab) dribble to protect the ball. - Walking pound dribbles
- high pounds, right then left hand
- 3 high pounds, 6 low pounds
- Footwork ballhandling (short, quick steps)
- Continuous (see Jason Kidd fullcourt)
- cross
- between
- progressions
- backwards
- reverse between (under the outside leg) - forwards, backwards
- v-dribble - front, side
- inside-out
- inside-out cross, inside-out between
- between cross
- cross between
- between behind
- between & back under (double take)
- behind the back
- double-move combos
- cross between behind, between cross cross, between between behind
- inside-out between wrap, between behind wrap, cross between behind wrap (see wrap series).
- Pound dribble into each move
- Speed dribble
- right hand, left hand, alternating hands (Memphis)
- push crossover
- Skip dribble (Corridor)
- Figure-8 (pretzel) walking - forward, backward (55-second)
- Pound inside-out, crossover, between, behind, wrap, spin (Nash, Hurley)
- Pound triple-move (Hurley)
- Zig-zag
- Pullback, pullback cross (Retreat dribbles)
- Lateral
- Hesi series
- slow and go, stop and go (Lee Rose)
- stutter step (Corridor)
- stutter change of direction (Hurley)
- skip hesi (load up)
- glide (lift) hesi
- Inside-out series
- (pound) inside-out cross, inside-out between, inside-out behind
- (pound) double inside-out cross, double inside-out between, double inside-out behind (wrap)
- Wrap series
- (pound) wrap, between wrap, inside-out wrap
- (continuous) inside-out between wrap, between behind wrap, cross between behind wrap
- Spin series
- (pound) pound spin, inside-out spin, cross spin, between spin
- (pound) between cross spin, between between spin, between behind spin
- Dribble-jab series
Two Balls - Two-ball pound, pistons (Memphis)
- Augie Johnston - 2-ball crushers
- walking pound cross, pound cross cross, pound cross cross cross
- Pro Training workout #10
- dribble forward, backward
- zig-zag forward, backward
- Duke two-ball
- zig-zag cross, between, behind (the balls change hands)
See Dribbling - 55-second, Tony Watson series, Matt Doherty, Pro Training workout #11.![up](../images/uparrow.gif) Cones Use zig-zag cones or a line of cones to work on secondary moves (changes of direction). A cone line can also be used for primary moves (inside-out, hesitation), behind-the-back wraps, and weaving. Cones can be tight or loose. I like to integrate cones into shooting and finishing drills. - Tony Watson series, Coach Rock cones
- Other zig-zag cones
- Other cone lines
- Steve Kerr - 4 cones - one move for the first two cones, a different move for the last two, do each move with each hand
Attack the Rim Attack the rim in transition from both sides and out top, with each hand. Start with simple blow-by moves (e.g., inside-out, inside-out cross), add dribble-jab, hesitation and combo moves, including Iverson and killer crossovers. Be creative, combine with a variety of finishing moves, then hesi pull-ups and crossover jumpers (shooting off a crossover or wrap dribble does not need an extra dribble). - Hesitation series
- stop and go (show shot), slow and go (heavy foot)
- stutter, stutter change
- skip hesi (load up)
- glide (lift) hesi - between, cross, turn dribble
- Iverson crossover series, e.g.
- skip hesi - cross, inside-out cross, cross cross, cross hesi (glide) cross, cross between
- Scissor series, e.g.
- between cross (killer cross), hesi between cross, between hesi cross
- between wrap, between cross wrap
- between and under (double take), between under cross
- between spin
- Other combo moves, e.g.
- cross cross (Kevin Durant)
- behind behind (Nash, Jamal Crawford)
- behind, spin (Rocky Ullah)
- cross spin, between spin (Tony Parker finish)
- Hesi pull-ups, crossover jumpers
- skip hesi pull
- Iverson cross - pull, stepback (no dribble, one dribble, motion steps)
- glide hesi - pull, cross and pull or stepback
- extended stepback
- between cross, between wrap
- see Shooting - Courtney Douglass, Snake pull-ups, Angled pull-up
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