| 1 Drew Hanlen Pure Sweat Basketball Stationary one-ball dribbling drills. Ball in the dominant hand to start (progression - weak hand).
a) Inside-out, crossover, between the legs, behind the back. See Figure-8 drill (in and out, cross, between, behind).
b) Side-to-side touches into double moves - front v-dribble into any double move (e.g. cross-behind). - in 30 seconds, right-hand front v-dribble into 9 double moves, repeat with the left hand - the double moves are cross cross, cross between, cross behind, between cross, between between, between behind, behind cross, behind between, behind behind. c) Pound-over-pound into moves - take a pound dribble behind, over, and behind a line on the floor, then make any double move, continue.
9-combo ballhandling drill - pound over pound into 9 double moves (see Tighter handles in 30 seconds).
d) Push-out combo - for 20 seconds each do pound-over-pound into - a double cross (cross-cross) - between-cross - between-behind. Each combo is a rep, how many reps in 60 seconds.
e) On-a-string combo - for 20 seconds each do - inside-out cross - between double cross (cross-cross) - between double behind (behind-behind).
f) Quick combo - for 20 seconds each do - mini inside-out cross - mini inside-out between - mini inside-out behind.
g) Killer 150 - how long to do 25 each - knee-high pound dribbles - rapid-fire dribbles (low) - pound inside-out - pound double cross - pound between cross - pound behind cross.
See Dribbling - Tauer stationary, Better Ball Handling (pdf), Shooting - Guard workout. |