Conditioning Baller Boot Camp agility

| 1 Augie Johnston
1) Cone hops
Standing beside a cone, two-foot jump side-to-side over the cone, do 3 sets of 20.
Often it's not the first jump but the second jump that gets you a rebound because you jump quicker than the other guy. |

| 2 2) Change direction
Go around zig-zag cones (not to them, adjust distances to suit). See YouTube video - Change directions. a) Sprint Facing north, sprint, decelerate, push off and change direction, sprint south, continue. |

| 3 |

| 4 b) Sprint and backpedal
Sprint, backpedal, sprint, backpedal, continue, repeat coming back from the other end.
See Conditioning - Agility drills, Defending - 5star acceleration. |

| 5 c) Slide and sprint
Facing east, defensive step-slide north, sprint south, continue, repeat coming back from the other end (facing west when sliding).
Turn and sprint when beat, recover and slide. (Since the slides are all to the left, optionally use a 7-cone zig-zag) See Defending - Slide and run. |

| 6 3) Agility square
You can use the key. Facing north, step-slide right, backpedal, slide left, sprint forward and touch the floor with one hand, backpedal, slide right, sprint forward, slide left to finish. |