|  | Jr. NBA - Offence Rookie - Jump stop drill
- 1-2-3 triple threat
- get into triple-threat on "1-2-3"
- Forward pivot
- on "pivot" do a quarter front pivot on the left foot, do it four times, repeat, switch to front pivot on the right foot
- see Footwork - Static pivoting and moves
- Reverse pivot
- quarter reverse pivot on "pivot" (drop the right foot, 4 times, then drop the left foot
- Pass and cut drill
- from the top, pass to coach on the wing, cut to the basket looking for a bounce pass and shot, keep going if there is no pass
- see Layups - Jr. NBA cutting
- Give and go drill
- from the wing, pass to coach at the elbow, cut to the basket for a bounce pass and shot (no dribble)
- see Layups - Jr. NBA cutting
- Reverse the ball
- from a wing to the top to the other wing, one dribble and shoot, players follow their pass
- see Layups - Pass and replace
- Dribble, jump stop, pass
- two lines out top, one player dribbles, jump stops and bounce passes to partner for a layup
- see Layups - Jr. NBA cutting
- Drive and kick competition
- Backpedal-slide-sprint
- backpedal baseline to elbow, slide elbow to elbow, sprint baseline
- See Jr. NBA - Defence (closeout, slide & backpedal)
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