| | Conditioning - Ganon Baker 1) Jump rope - jump on both feet at the same time
- side to side, both feet
- up and back, both feet
- jab step - alternate each foot in front (shuffle)
- X - cross left foot over right foot, then right over left
- heel-toe - heel of front foot, toe of back foot, alternate
- triangle jab - left front goes front, side, back, side, front, continue, then switch feet
2) Basketball push-ups - one ball - soles of both feet on a ball, hands on the floor, push up and clap
- 2-ball change - each hand on separate balls, push up, feet get wide, come up on your toes, switch the two balls from one hand to the other, back down, repeat
- 2-ball core hold - both feet on one ball, both hands on one ball, push up
- 3-ball core hold - both feet on one ball, each hand on separate balls, push up (progression - lift one leg off the ball, then switch to the other leg)
- 4-ball core hold - each foot and hand on separate balls, push up
3) Core strength - Side planks
- forearm on the floor
- hand on the floor, arm straight
- hand on a ball (open up the shoulders, other hand in the air)
- Two-foot bridges
- on forearms
- both feet on one ball (progression - lift one foot off the ball, hold then switch)
- Lifts - lie on your back with a basketball or 10-pound ball between your ankles, arms straight over head, raise your legs (locked), sit up to grab the ball, touch it on the floor behind your head, legs go down but don't touch the floor, sit up, put the ball back between your ankles, go back down, continue.