|  | Shooting - Collin Castellaw Collin Castellaw has shooting videos on the Noah Basketball and Shot Mechanics YouTube channels. Shooting Tips - Target the rim early
- Footwork
- a hop is faster than a 1-2
- tilt the feet slightly
- heels up on a catch
- Shot pocket
- ball dip on a catch
- low shot pocket - waist or thigh level (not up on a shelf)
- ball and hips move together, down and up (maximum up-force)
- load hips early - butt out, chest forward
- triple extension - ankles, knees, hips all flexed (a zig-zag)
- body space - between body and ball
- shooting hand behind the ball (wrist lock)
- or hand on top, or on the side with palm rotation
- palm gap (between ball and palm) - preferable but not necessary
- Shot line
- over or just inside the thigh or knee
- Set point
- one-motion shot - ball never stops (or pauses), or breaks the forehead plane
- when the ball reaches the set point, feet are just about to leave the floor (one motion)
- Extension and follow-through
- release angle - elbow above eye line
- snap it off (wrist)
- perfect alignment - shooting elbow, shoulder, hip, knee (a great shooter is a straight shooter)
- one-hand shot - no guide-hand thumb push
- shooting hand in the basket on follow-through, shooting finger down (middle, index or split finger)
- guide hand points to the ceiling or rotates forward, does not open up
- feet sweep - feet land forward

YouTube videos See YouTube playlist - How to shoot perfectly (Shot Mechanics), also Keys to shooting, Shooting - Steph Curry. Noah Basketball - Shooting form tips
- set-point timing (ball and hips move together, ball at set point when hips are locking out, feet ready to leave the floor), tilted feet (elbow can come under the ball), shot line (over your thigh or slightly inside - thigh tap)
- Get more shooting range
- tilt feet (slightly), lower shot pocket (backswing), load quickly, one-motion shot (ball never stops), set-point timing
- 3 keys to make more shots
- 3 must-do form drills
- slow-motion form, thigh tap, bounce-ups
- 5 drills to improve arc
- feet turn, feet sweep, body space (elbow tap), touch and go, line shooting

Shot Mechanics - How to shoot for beginners
- shot line (inside knee), ball dip (catch high, bring it down), hold follow-through
- Find your perfect shooting form
- more power (tilt feet, load ball lower), hand in basket on follow-through, body space, find your flow (smooth motion all the way through the shot), elbow tap to load the ball lower, snap it off, shooting finger down
- Instant accuracy boosters
- alignment, feet turned slightly, hand in hoop on follow-through, release (middle or index or split finger), one-hand shot (no thumb push), guide hand rotates forward
- Instantly improve shooting form
- elbow tap (no chicken wing, loads the ball lower, alignment), high release point (elbow above eye line), load hips early (chest forward), load to explode
- Steve Nash shooting secrets
- early wrist lock, release angle, locked elbow
- Steph's secrets
- early targeting, perfect alignment (shooting knee, hip, shoulder, elbow), maximum up-force (hips down to ball up drill)
- Get Curry range
- tilt, one motion (ball never stops), set point - toes ready to leave the floor, load the ball low (waist or thigh), chest forward (hips engaged)
- Instant range boosters
- heels up, triple extension (hips, knees, ankles), delayed set point, body space, turn feet slightly
- Ultimate guide to range
- heels up, load hips (sink on the catch), fast down fast up, load lower, one-motion shot
- Zig-zag deep-range shooting form
- the zig-zag happens when you are loaded, it's like a spring
- flex ankles, knees and hips
- #1 drill to increase range
- triple-tap ladders - 4 shots working away from the hoop, tap your thigh three times, hop at the same time, shoot
- 180 ladders - start facing away from the hoop, triple tap, 180 hop turn
- Instant shooting speed boosters
- pre-targeting (early preparation), one-motion (ball does not pause), a hop is faster than a 1-2
- Perfect shot pocket
- not too high (set on a shelf)
- thigh taps drill (3 taps)
- Shooting hand placement
- behind the ball, on top, or on the side with palm rotation
- Fix your shooting elbow
- turn the feet slightly, elbow tap (elbow tucks in), palm rotation
- Perfect arc
- Perfect guide hand
- one-hand shooter, guide hand drops off as wrist snaps, points up or forward (thumb to ceiling)
- Get the perfect release
- index (pointer) finger, middle finger or split finger (a V with two fingers)
- One-motion vs. two-motion shooting
- 1-motion - smoothly all the way through
- 2-motion - goes backward first, breaks forehead plane, elbow points to basket, flatter shot
- Shoot better off the dribble
- load the hips, heels up, pound the last dribble
- Shoot off the hop
- ball in the air feet in the air, hips and legs already loaded on contact with floor (the zig-zag), heels up, can spring up quickly, targeting
- Shoot better off a catch
- footwork ready early, load hips early, lower shot pocket
- Stop missing shots
- elbow above eye line, land forward (feet sweep)
- Is your shot broken?
- early targeting, head not tilted back, body space
- Is your shot broken? (Part 2)
- set-point timing, ball and hips move together, tilt, shot line
- 3 lies your coach taught you
- ball down by waist or knee, zig-zag load up, palm gap is preferable but not necessary
