Defending 5star workout

| 1 Mike Moreau
An individual defensive workout for any player. For the complete 5star workout, also use 5star dribbling and shooting workouts, and 5star Score 24 shooting.
a) Line shuffles
Facing a line on the floor with feet wide, shuffle your feet back and forth across the line for 30-50 hits (or X seconds).
See Defending - Line jumps, Conditioning - Line drills for quick feet (pdf).
b) Figure-8
Facing halfcourt, use defensive slides around two chairs (or cones), go 2-4 times (or 15-30 seconds).
Dave Malowski - figure-8 agility around two cones about 1 metre apart, progressions - change direction on a whistle - while passing back and forth with coach, then weak-hand passing - coach lobs a pass from behind, react to catch it with a jump stop, then shoot, take a layup, pivot and pass, etc. - Icky shuffle over the cones, then with passing to coach.
Canada Basketball - pair up with two cones, - do three figure-8s (short, choppy steps) while partner counts, then move the cones further apart (slide between) - Icky shuffle (in-in-out) - X-country skier (Ali shuffle, moving sideways) - partner randomly passes a ball - load in multiple passers - partner drops a ball, catch before the second bounce - partner rolls a ball, dive to get it - partner passes, bounces or rolls a ball - partner stands behind, tosses a ball overhead, explode to locate the ball - partner stands behind, calls your name, turn and find the ball - multiple passers behind, turn to find the ball - figure-8 footwork pattern while dribbling - partner randomly shows his hands for a pass, cut for a return pass, dribble for a layup.
Augie Johnston - figure-8 shooting (YouTube), facing the basket, partner passes.
See Defending - Duke agility (barbell), Ball drop, 2-ball dance, Pasquali closeouts (option a). |

| 2 Joey Kwasniewski
Quick figure-8 footwork around two tight cones (option - until coach says "go"), then sprint a slalom course upcourt, jog back. |