Zone set plays Florida ballscreen 3s

| 1 Billy Donovan
A three-point shot for 2.
1 dribble pushes 2 through. Mads Olesen - Fresno Push dribble-drive zone offence - entries from a 4-out set with weakside post, - 1 dribble pushes 2, swings it to 4 - push fist - 1 dribble pushes 2, 4 ballscreens for 1 - push pass - 1 passes to 2 and runs through as the shooter - push kickback - 1-4 kickback, 4 dribble pushes 2. |

| 2 4 ballscreens for 1, the zone defenders switch it, bottom defender X4 comes out on the pass to 3, 5 screens middle defender X5 for a pass to 2.
If there is no pass to 2 because X5 goes over top of 5, 5 sprints under the rim for a pass. (Against an even-front or odd-front zone, 5 looks to pin screen the defender going out to the corner, then seal and post the next baseline defender) Zak Boisvert - if the two top defenders switch you want to overload the weakside creating a 2-on-1 advantage, a baseline runner moving in the direction of the ball can be very effective (see YouTube video - How to use side ballscreens to beat a 2-3 zone). Olesen - Fresno push - instead of screening, 5 steps early into the key to occupy X5. If X5 does get out to 2, 5 is usually open. If X5 cheats outside, 5 should be open for a pass from 3 (pass fake to the corner first). - 40-50 series set plays - against even-front or odd-front zones, 5 cuts across the key to screen the low defender (here X3), 4 cuts hard to the front of the rim. It's possible to have 5 screen the corner defender for 2 then look to screen the next defender for 4. |

| 3 If 2 has no shot, he passes back to 3 and runs the baseline, 1 goes away, 4 ballscreens for 3, 5 loops under to the block, 3 passes to 1 who can pass to 2 or 5.
This can be run as a continuity (see Zone offences - Atkins high, Kermit Davis four high).
Villanova - ballscreens are highly effective against a zone, especially with shooters - it's a naked ballscreen, there is no hedge, think one dribble and shot. |

| 4 b)
If they know that X1 will fight over the ballscreen to keep X2 home on 3, the counter is to reverse the play. 5 starts on the other block, 2 stops when he gets to 5. Olesen - if 1 is picked up by bottom defender X3, flow into the Fresno 2-game, 2 goes to the short corner, 5 flashes to the ballside mid post into a 1-3-1 set, see Zone offence - Dave Odom 1-3-1. The 2-game is a secondary zone offence, run when the bottom of a zone matches up well with Fresno Push. |

| 5 When X1 fights over the screen, 4 pops to the wing for a dribble throw-back, 5 screens in for 2 to go to the corner for a pass from 4. Boisvert - flood the strongside where the ball came from, screener 4 rolls and 5 replaces, or 4 pops, there is no screen for 2. It's a numbering game, on which side is the bottom defender exposed. (Options) - also reverse the play if X3 picks up 1 - can also reverse the play against a 1-2-2 if a wing defender picks up 1. |