Basketball Systems, Skills & Drills

5 players 3 balls

That's a Foul, July 2002

1 shoots first, rebounds and passes to 3 or 4, relocates for next shot. 3 and 5 also shoot, rebound, and pass to open players. Shooters should be down ready to shoot, call rebounder's name for the ball.
 - 6 players with 3 or 4 balls
- one team at each basket, first team to X makes (e.g., 21).

Patrick Hunt - 1 shoots and passes to 3, 2 shoots and passes to 4, 3 shoots and passes to 5. 4 will shoot and pass to 1, 5 shoot and pass to 2.
See Shooting - Alternates, Geneva Devils, Sevens.

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft

© 2007-23 Eric Johannsen