Offence Dribble-drive outline
| 1 See Blog posts - Dribble-Drive Motion, Dribble-Drive 3s, Dribble-Drive Hacks, Installing Dribble-Drive, Modern Dribble-Drive.
After a made basket, 5 rim runs then gets out of the way (open post), 2 and 3 sprint to the dead corners, 4 and 1 bring up the ball.
There are double gaps between the guard spots and the corners, and a single gap between 1 and 4.
Option - 4 spaces high and wide, creating another double gap for 1 (a "two side"), see Blog Post - Fast-break cycles, including player roles on a defensive rebound.Peter Lonergan - Spacing & Decision Making - halfcourt offensive spacing is high, wide and deep. 1 and 4 "widen the wedge" (outside the seams), 2 is in the corner, 5 goes to the "box" (short corner), 3 lifts to the break on the weakside.
See Offences - Dribble-drive basics, Dribble-drive progression, Fast break - Dribble-drive 5 on 0. |
| 2 5 stays opposite the ball on dribble penetration (clean up or relocate), allowing a backdoor cut from the ballside corner.
Progression - 5 flashes to the weakside elbow (tees up) on a backdoor cut, or ducks in.
4 will fill behind if 1 gets stopped deep (lane penetration). |
| Rotate behind middle drives, attack downhill on a catch.
Here 4 rotates behind 1 (kicks back, or Euro cut) and 5 relocates, opening up a backcut by 3.
1 replaces 4 on a "pitch" (which is a dribble-drive entry).
4 could make a return pass to 1 (kickback-swing), see below.See Entries. Tyler Lyndsey - 5-out Drive and Space (and Screenshots) - a pitch is a slot-to-slot dribble hand-off (DHO). It's an automatic backcut if 4 is denied on a dribble-at (see below). |
| 4 1 can pass off the dribble to 3 in the corner (see below).
If 1 stops in the drop zone (elbow area), 3 backcuts (the first option) or kicks up (lifts) for a pass and is replaced by the passer (shown).
The Euro cut by 4 (instead of getting pushed) opens up the kickup by 3.
3 could make a throwback pass to 1 in the corner (and clear weakside), that's an automatic post-up for 5.
Any skip pass is also an automatic post-up, e.g. 1 drives middle and passes to 2 in (or lifted from) the weakside corner.
See Post-ups.
Doug Novak - Top-corner series - 1 can pass to 3 off the dribble, then dive to post up and escape opposite if 3 drives middle or baseline. If 1 stride stops, 3 lifts or backcuts to get open.
Michael Lynch - Slot blur screens - 3 holds the corner, shoots on a quick kick-out pass or drives through the elbow area and 1 exits to the corner. 3 backcuts or kicks up if 1 stops.
Mads Olesen - if 1 gets pushed outside, you can still run all the options with a dribble hand-off.
The offence can stall without kickups for ball reversal. DHOs are a viable and simple alternative, especially at the youth level. Backcuts are an option on dribble-ats.
See Offence - Novak dribble-drive, Shooting - Dribble hand-offs.
| 5 On another middle drive, 5 relocates and 4 kicks back looking for a pitch.
Here 3 passes off the dribble to shooter 2 in the corner, and clears weakside.
3 can exit to the ballside corner if 2 attacks or just dribbles out (Novak, Lynch). John Leonzo - Dribble-drive - if 3 kicks to 2 in the corner he exits slowly to fill the corner. Walberg - 2 is in the corner, if 3 passes to 2, 3 has to space out (weakside), then 4 gives 2 a two-count before moving over. Olesen - 2 will stay in his corner then look for drop-zone options on any stop. Kentucky - if 3 drives middle inside the elbow, 2 comes out foul-line extended once 3 breaks the lane line. See Novak Wing-wing. The corner kick-out is not available if 2 lifts early. 3 can make an early "swing" pass to 4 off the dribble (dribble swing), see Novak Wing-top series, and Swing-quick below. Lynch - 3 can pass to 4, then corner cuts (blur screen cut). Leonzo - 3 corner cuts if he kicks to 4. |
| On a guard-to-guard pass ("swing"), the passer usually cuts to change sides of the floor, creating a triple gap for the ballhandler.
The passer can shallow cut or corner cut (shown), or cut to the basket then exit opposite dribble penetration (see Through cut).
John Calipari - 1 passes and cuts to the corner, 4 drives off his butt.
Novak - Fingers - 1 passes to 4 and corner cuts.
Mark Cascio - Gap Rules - 4 attacks the triple gap, or passes to 3.
Mads Olesen - when you pass the ball on the perimeter, cut through to the basket and out the other side of penetration.
Vance Walberg - 1 basket cuts 85% of the time.
Players are generally more familiar with basket cuts, and the give and go is an important concept especially at the youth level (see Teaching 4-out motion). Alex Sarama - Avoid Pass and Cut Offence - pass and space instead of pass and cut, the driver does not need to wait for a cutter to clear. |
| Swing-quick - 4 can finish the swing with a pass to 3 ("quick") then basket cut or corner cut weakside. |
| 8 Swing-quick can create a post-up opportunity.
3 look to attack middle, make a post entry, or pass to 1 in the corner, who can pass to 5.
Del Harris - if the wing passes the ball into the low post in a wing-corner triangle, the corner must cut hard baseline, the wing stays ballside unless he screens away at the top for another player.
Here 3 passes down to the corner and clears weakside.
2 lifts to the weakside slot, then moves ballside after a two-count as a pass option.
See Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing (Swing-quick-corner).
| 9 Here 3 drives middle, makes a swing pass to 2, and corner cuts. 2 can attack middle or pass to 4 (and cut).
2 can backdoor cut on the drive.
2 can dribble middle and throw it back to 4, see Novak Snapback series.
See Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing (Swing-quick with corner cuts). |
| 10 Here 3 drives middle into a kickback with 2.
A DHO is another option. |
| 11 2 throws it back to 3 and cuts (kickback-swing).
Calipari - they want to give 3 two looks.
A kickback sets up this option, and is a link from dribble attack to pass-and-cut (so is dribble swing).
See Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing (Swing-quick-kickback).
| Trailer 4 can dive to create a triple gap for 1 (optionally on a signal, e.g. a pullback dribble, or a pass fake from triple threat), and will backcut if a swing pass is overplayed, or get high and wide.
Here 4 will read where 1 goes and come out opposite.
Some teams will automatically dive 5 from the trailer spot. Option - 4 dives, 3 blast cuts (see MacKay single-double gaps). Matt Bollant rub cut - 4 can loop under 1 (see Oakland through). Kentucky - they like a corner cut by 4, teams will switch a rub cut. Novak - Slice - 4 corner cuts, 1 can pass to 2 lifting out of the corner. Tyler Lyndsey - it's an automatic backcut if 4 is denied on a dribble-at. Lynch - if 4 is denied 1 waves him thru, a corner cut (blur screen). Here is a teaching progression to install the offence, using Breakdown Drills: Basic dribble-drive - spacing - clean up, relocate - kick back (Euro cut) - corner backcut - corner kick up (lift) - dribble-at (DHO) - lane penetration Pass and cut - swing - swing-quick (and post up) - swing-quick-corner - dribble-swing - dive the trailer - quick - dribble push Advanced dribble-drive - corner kick-out - kickback-swing - kickup, corner throwback (and post up) - skip pass (and post up) - drop zone tee up or duck-in. To simplify the offence or just take what the defence gives, - use DHOs instead of kickups - use DHOs instead of pitches - basket cut on a swing pass, exit opposite dribble penetration, and optionally opposite a pass. See Petitgoue " H", Bollant 1-4 DHO, Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing. For a full range of drills, see Dribble-drive drills, including 1-on-1 and scrimmages. |