Basketball Systems, Skills & Drills

Novak dribble-drive

Doug Novak

Doug Novak's drive-and-space offence is based on dribble-drive motion. He also uses other actions such as Princeton point and chin series, which are not covered here.
6) Snapback

See YouTube video - Doug Novak Core Series, including
- Fingers
- Punch (post-up)
- Fat
- Fan
- Forwards out
- Escape
- Snapback
- Spaghetti
- Buttonhook
- Nail
See Dribble-drive drills - Doug Novak Shooting.

Michael Lynch uses a similar approach, annotations are included. See his Slot Blur Screens, YouTube playlist Blur Screen DDM.

See Offence - Dribble-drive outline, Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing.

1) Entries

See 4-4 Drive and space (pdf).

a) Fingers

1 passes to 4 and corner cuts.

The corner moves up to the wing on any guard-to-guard pass.

Lynch - pass through a single gap to open the gap. On any slot to slot pass, the passer 45 cuts to the ballside corner. On a slot to wing pass (pass down), cut away to the weakside corner. Attack double and triple gaps.

b) Fan

1-4 pass, 1 spaces to the corner, pushing through 2.

See Quick hitters - Dribble-drive 243-143 (optionally use a fan cut if 1 is a better shooter than 2).
Mark Cascio - Families of Action for Conceptual Offence - a fan cut takes away a switch and keeps your best players in the action. Fingers, fan, or pass and follow into a ghost screen (which is better with pressure on the ball).
Randy Sherman - Improve Conceptual Offence  - a) drive opposite a catch (away from where you caught it, not back into the teeth of the defence), b) attack the larger space,

c) Slice

4 corner cuts, opening up a triple gap for 1.

1 can pass to 2, see Swing and Snapback.

Lynch - if 4 is denied 1 waves him thru, a blur screen (corner cut). A 1-2 DHO is another option. Optionally 4 fills the other slot then just cuts automatically.

d) Buttonhook

Cut to the nail, escape opposite a drive by 1.

See Offences - Calipari dribble-drive, Kentucky dribble-drive.

e) Forwards Out

1-2 DHO, 4-3 weakside exchange, into Fingers or Slice.

Lynch - change the players involved in a blur screen. He has had 5 lift into a wing ballscreen for 2. Don't do the same thing three times in a row.up

2) Top-corner series

See Quick pitch series, Escape shooting, Player development (pdfs).

a) Quick pitch

After 1-4 fingers, 4 drives and passes off the dribble to 2 (a quick pitch), dives and posts up.

Lynch - 2 holds the corner until the last second, shoots on a kick-out pass or drives through the elbow area and 4 exits to the corner.

4 does not need to exit weakside on a corner kick-out.

4 exits (escapes) opposite if 2 drives baseline or middle (shown).
2 can pass back to 4 for a shot (escape shooting).
See Doug Novak Core Series - Punch, a post entry on a throwback pass to 4.

Baseline drive.
See Doug Novak Core Series - Forwards out.

b) Veer dribble

4-2 DHO, 2 can attack middle or baseline.

Other options

- 2 shoots behind the dribble screen
- 4 keeps the ball and attacks the rim (or gets into a Barkley dribble post-up)
- 2 backcuts for a pass
- 2 backcuts, clears if not open, 4 keeps the ball, and can get into a Barkley.

c) Stride stop

A stride stop tells 2 that 4 needs help, get open with a fill cut (lift, kick up) or fat cut (backcut).

4 dives and posts on a pass to 2 filling, 2 can make a post feed to 4 or drive baseline or middle, 4 escapes opposite (look for a drift pass to 1 on a baseline drive).

Lynch - 2 backcuts or kicks up after the ball is stopped.

In conventional dribble-drive, 4 would replace 2 in the corner.
See Doug Novak Core Series - Fat, Escape.up

3) Wing-top series

a) Quick pitch

2 drives middle, 4 escapes opposite, at or before the elbow 2 makes a quick pitch to 3 (who has rotated from the corner).

If 2 has no momentum, he can check (pop out) to the other slot.

Conventional dribble-drive assumes that 2 will get at least far enough for a kickback with 3.

3 can make a boomerang pass to 2 and create space with a fingers or fan cut.

Here 3 drives the slot, 2 fills behind.

3 drives middle, 2 rotates behind looking for a pitchback.

Here 2 gets a pitchback.

2 can attack, stride stop, spin back and pass to 3.

b) Pitch fingers

2 gets deeper or has more momentum on the drive, pitches to 3 and continues to the corner (fingers cut).

If you throw it on the run, stay on the run.

3 can attack right.

Lynch - 2 makes a "change" pass to 3 then makes a blur screen cut to the corner (always).
John Leonzo - Dribble-drive - if 2 kicks to 3 we are right back to the start of the offence (pass and corner cut); if 2 kicks to 1 in the corner, he exits slowly to fill the corner, 1 must shoot or swing it up.

c) Pitchback

2 drives middle, hits 3 on a pitchback, then has buttonhook options (escape opposite a drive).

d) Veer dribble

2-3 DHO, or 2 keeps the ball.up

4) Wing-wing

By-pass the top, 2 drives middle, passes to 1 lifting to the wing, posts up

1 can attack baseline or middle, 2 escapes opposite.up


5) Swing

See Swing advantage series (pdf).

1-4 fingers, 4-3 pass and clear weakside (a 1-4 pitchback or fake pitchback is another option).

Variation - 4 spaces to the top of the key on the pass to 3 ("short fans"), can get a boomerang return pass. See Snapback.

3 can pass to 1 in the corner, see below, also Mark Cascio Favourite Possessions at 2:06.

Lynch - on a "reverse", 4 passes to 3 as soon as he catches it.


Swing into a 3-2 DHO.

See Cascio Dribble-drive pitchbacks, Tactics - Dribble-drive quick-swing.up

6) Snapback

See Snapback advantage series (pdf).

1-4 fingers, 4 drives middle, passes back to 3 on the wing, spaces to replace 1.

Variation - Snapback Fan - 1 passes to 4 and fan cuts.

Lynch - if 4's drive fails in the first couple of dribbles, he snaps it back to 3 slow filling out of the corner, then cuts to the weakside corner. You have to snap if they switch.

See Wing-top and Wing-wing series for options with 4 and 2.

3 can pass to the corner and clear.

Lynch - to open gap space, pass it down to the original passer, cut away.

4 moves over for a pass out of the corner, can then run Fingers, Fan or Slice with 2.up

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft

© 2007-25 Eric Johannsen