| 1 Ian MacKinnon
2 closes out on a skip pass, live 1-on-1, limited dribbles, defender 2 stays on a score and 3 goes behind 1, 2 goes off on a stop and is replaced by attacker 3, 4 makes the next skip pass to 5, 2 or 3 will close out.
Variations - the attacker gets one point for getting into the paint with his strong hand - get two points for any made basket, one point for a shot off the rim on the skip pass - use only three players, alternate possessions, rotate attacker to defender, here 5 would be the next attacker off a skip pass from 2, 3 defends - for a shooting drill, 3 shoots, 2 contests the shot and rebounds, 3 is the next defender, 5 shoots.
Collin Castellaw - 2 tosses the ball to a wing from the nail (in a help position).
See Defending - Weakside 1 on 1, Continuous close-outs, Machine-gun close-out, 1 on 1 wing, 1 on 1 - Off skip pass, Ravens. |