Defending Continuous closeouts
| 1 Ian MacKinnon
3 has the ball, 1 is defending weakside 2, if 3 holds the ball over his head, 1 calls "up" and moves weakside, if 3 brings the ball down, 1 moves ballside and calls "sight".
On a skip pass, 1 closes out, forcing left, using a "hockey-stick" close-out to take away right.
Option - defenders pitter-patter in the lane. |
| 2 2 skip passes to 3, 4 closes out, 2 leaves the floor and is replaced by 1.
- pop off when the attacker brings the ball down or jab steps - left hand over the ball (palm down) when the ball is down, follow the shooting track, close the gap as the ball rises to the shooting shelf - the attacker takes two dribbles left, skip passes - live 1 on 1, make-it take-it against a new defender.
See Defending - Philly closeouts, Hollins skip passes, 1 on 1 - Machine-gun close-outs. |
| 3 Variation - dual skip passes.
1 and 3 make skip passes, 5 and 6 close out, 7 and 8 come on as the next defenders (on skip passes back to 1 and 3).
| 4 That's a Foul (August 2004)
1 passes to 2 and closes out, 2 takes one dribble then passes to 3 and 4 closes out. Rotate defenders to attackers, so 3 will next pass to 1. |