Shooting 3-on-0 kick-out
| 1 Ian MacKinnon
1) Drive and kick for a shot
Alternate shots from the corner and wing. 1 drives baseline, 2 drifts to the corner for a pass and shoots, 1 closes out and replaces 2. (Variation) - for 5-out spacing have 6 start out top, or put 2 in the corner and and 6 on the wing. |
| 2 4 drives, 6 gets to 45 degrees on the weakside, 4 passes and closes out, 6 shoots.
(Variation - 6 gets to 90 degrees above the ballside elbow, in a game, a weakside low post has cut to the dots)
5 will then drive and kick to 1.
Marg Jones - have one line of players on the weakside wing, another in the corner, and a help defender in the lane, alternate baseline drives (pass to the corner) and middle drives (pass to the wing), the passer closes out and becomes the next help defender. (Progression) - one-more passing corner-wing, wing-corner.
Ian MacKinnon - 4 makes a primary move (baseline or middle), then a secondary move, passes to the player on the weakside wing or the player in the corner, and replaces that player.
See Shooting - Penetration, 3 drives 3 shots, Kick-out close-out, Tactics - 4-out 1-in drive-kick-shoot.
| 3 2) One-more shooting
a) Corner
Follow the kick-out pass. 1 drives baseline, passes to 6 and closes out, 6 makes a "one more" pass to 2 in the corner for a shot. 6 replaces 2 and is the next shooter, 1 replaces 6. First player to make five baskets, change sides.
Progression - 1 drives middle, 6 and 2 widen the drive (or 2 backcuts). - one-more shooting - 1 drives baseline, 2 drifts to the corner, 6 slides to 45 degrees from the top of the key, 1 passes to 6, 2 calls "one more", 6 passes to 2 for a shot, a coach behind the baseline passes to 6 for a shot.
| 4 b) Wing
Follow the kick-out pass. 1 passes to 2 in the corner, closes out, 2 passes to 6 for a shot. 2 replaces 6, 1 replaces 2.
4 will drive and kick to 1, who passes to 2.
Progression - 1 can pass to 2 or 6 to start and follow the pass.
Tom Crean - always be in the slot on a baseline drift pass, it's the most open shot in the game. - 1 passes to 2, 6 calls "one more", 2 passes to 6 for a shot, 2 gets a pass from a coach behind the baseline. |
| 5 c) Corner and wing
Close out on the one-more pass. 1 drives baseline, passes to 6 who passes to 2 for a shot, 1 closes out on the shooter, and replaces 2.
| 6 4 drives and kicks to 1 who passes to 6 for a shot, 4 closes outs and replaces 6.
(Option - have 1 start on the wing and drift baseline)
Next 5 will drive and kick to 4, close out on 1.
| 7 d) With on-ball defender
Corner and wing shooting, the defender closes out on the extra pass.
X1 defends 1 and gets beat on a baseline drive, 1 passes to 2 (or 6), who makes a one-more pass, X1 closes out to contest the shot and replace the shooter.
In a game, the beaten defender has leftovers (here second pass).
See Defence - Forcing left basics, Defending - Forcing left shell.
| 8 Rotate offence to defence, 1 is the next on-ball defender, on 4, who will drive and kick to X1, who passes to 2, 1 closes out. |
| 9 Progression - 1 drives middle and passes to 6 or 2, who widen the drive.
| 10 3)
1 drives from the top, kicks to 2 and closes out high side, 2 drives baseline and kicks to 3 drifting to the weakside corner, 2 follows his pass, 3 drives middle for a layup (don't drive baseline, that's where the defence is). 1 replaces 2, who is the next shooter. Make 8-10 layups in a row.
(Variation - 3 shoots from the corner)
See Shooting - Duke 3-ball drive and kick, Florida dribble-drive, Pitino 3-man, Duke 3-man penetrate and kick, Drive-and-kick.