| 1 Jamie Carey (FIBA YouTube), Fabian McKenzie (FastModel Sports)
Two balls.
1 passes to 2 and basket cuts, 2 passes to 3 then goes to rebound, 3 bounce passes to 1 for a layup, 3 replaces 2, 1 replaces 3, 2 outlets to 8 and follows.
At the same time, swing the other ball from 4 to 6, players follow their pass.
Carey - 2 goes over 3 to rebound (shown), 1 curls around the rebounder to replace 3. Amazing ball movement.
McKenzie - 2 follows 1 to rebound, instead of going over 3. Start with one ball (add a second) and two players at each position, with extra players behind 6. |