| 2 Dribble with the left out and around the left elbow for a layup, continue, how many layups in 60 seconds.
- shooting with the right (left) hand on the right (left) side is worth 2 points, shooting with the other hand is only 1 point - place a cone or pylon at each elbow - dribble out to the three-point line - with 6 baskets available, have 6 players start in the centre circle, each dribbles to a different basket on a signal.
Hal Wissell
Dribble in then out with the same hand, change hands to drive the basket. The goal each round is 8 layups in 30 seconds, the shot progression is
- regular layups - reverse layups - pullback crossover, finish on the other side - runners, shooting with the dribble hand. Jamie Angeli - use two dribbles to the basket, alternate one-foot and two-foot (power) layups, make 10-20 baskets. Derek Kellogg - footwork shooting progression - 30 or 60 seconds, dribble around each cone and shoot, inside pivot foot. Xavier - X-out layups - dribble with the left hand to the left elbow, jump stop, pivot, attack with the left hand for a layup, go for one minute, use different finishes, e.g. regular, reverse, power, etc. Steve Smith - X-out layups - start at an elbow, make 8 layups (alternating elbows), always dribble with the outside hand. Mike MacKay - speed layups - use 6 cones around the 3-point line, start under the basket, dribble around a cone and make a layup (putback any miss), repeat with all cones. |