Fast break Florida 4 on 0
| 1 Billy Donovan
Player development within the offence (see the Florida 2005 fast break). After 4 on 0, go 4 on 4 halfcourt.
4 tosses the ball off the backboard to 5, who jumps, catches, turns outside away from defence and passes to 1, who moves outside, back to the sideline, and yells "outlet". 1 then passes to 3 moving to the middle (3 yells "middle"). |
| 2 3 passes to 5, 1 and 3 return to their starting spots. |
| 3 5 tosses the ball off the backboard to 4 who outlets to 3 who passes to 1 in the middle, 1 passes to 4, who would then toss the ball off the backboard to 5. |
| 4 When coach yells "go", the four players fast break on the far basket, e.g., into a pin-down and backscreen. Inbound the ball and come back, e.g. into a wing pick and roll (3 rejects the screen and comes off 5). |