Basketball Systems, Skills & Drills

Fast break
3 on 0

Jamie Carey
FIBA (YouTube)
See YouTube video - Transition drills.

3 on 0 fast break with a rebounder, outlet (point guard), and a third player who can run wide right (shown), left, or be a rim runner. Possible options (be creative),

- 2 hits the trailer for a shot
- 1 hits 2 and goes through, 4 ballscreens for 2
- 1 hits 2, gets the ball back, 4 ballscreens for 1
- the rebounder is the rim runner (see 3-man flyer - post flyer).

- 2 takes a layup to start play, see Fast break - UConn 3 on 0
- go up and back twice (four trips).

This page was made with Basketball playbook from Jes-Soft

© 2007-23 Eric Johannsen