| 1 Each player has a ball and a partner. 1 and 2 dribble towards each other with the right hand, then crossover to the left hand and go by each other right shoulder to right shoulder. Repeat coming back.
Progressions - hesitation (or stutter)- inside-out - crossover - through the legs - behind the back - reverse - pullback crossover
Option - start with direct drive, crossover step, jab and crossover, etc. Andy Sparks - have 4 players in each group. Swim as you by. For a pullback crossover, just rock back on the rear foot (same side as the dribble hand) and crossover.Dave Malowski - can go in slowly but explode out, progressions - inside-out twice, inside-out crossover. Ian MacKinnon - two pullback dribbles, one-hand pass, catch, pound and crossover. See Dribbling - Commando. |