Defending Woodley cross-down screens
| 1 Matt Woodley
They are not a big scouting report team. If you work on the actions that you are going to see throughout the season, you don't need to spend a lot of time in practice on other teams plays.
1 passes to coach, defenders shift.
| 2 4 cross-screens for 5, a defender getting screened always has to go over the top, they don't want to foul. X4 can't leave until X5 crosses his face.
(Variation - switch a big-big screen)
See Defence - Messina off-ball screens, Defending - Diamond drill.
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| 4 1 continues into a flarescreen for 4, X4 chases over the top (always).
X1's job is to stay in a straight line with the screener (between 1 and the basket) to alleviate a slip, force the cutter right at him, and a pass to 1 going backwards.
| 5 Turn it into a beat-the-screen drill, 5 baseline screens for 4.
Every time we are beating a screen we have to get below his hip.
Coach passes to 4 and moves away.
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