Defending Arizona (Vegas) closeouts
| 1 |
| 2 b) Crowd from the top
1 and 2 pass to the guard spots, close out and jump to the ball inside the pack line on passes to the wings (gap positions).
See Defending - Australian closeouts.
| 3 1 and 2 stunt on middle penetration, inside the pack line. |
| 4 |
| 5 Close out on passes back out top.
| 6 c) Choke off the corner
X1 and X2 pass to the wings, close out, then jump to the ball in gap positions on passes to the guard spots.
| 7 Stunt inside the pack line on dribble penetration.
| 8 Close out on passes.
| 9 Stay home on a post entry and post dribble - no 3's from the ballside corner.
| 10 Close out on passes back out.
| 11 Alternate sides, make a post entry, the passer speed cuts, X2 stops in the lane, sees ball and man.
| 12 Rake it out (dig) on a dribble.
X1 goes next.