1 on 1 Zig-zag to transition
| 1 Ian MacKinnon
Minimum 8 players with 4 balls.
Attacker 1 and defender 2 zig-zag one-on-one to halfcourt, between the sideline and lane line.
2 gets one point each time he makes 1 turn with the ball.
4 and 5 start from the other end. |
| 2 At halfcourt, 1 gives the ball to 2, who attacks defender 3 who is on the 3-point line, one shot only, one point for scoring. 1 sprints back to be the defender on 7.
2 will be the next defender on the arc, replacing 3, who goes to the baseline with the ball.
The rotation is attack-defend in the backcourt, attack-defend in the frontcourt.
See 1 on 1 - Spurs.