Shooting Dribble-drive 1-2-3 set

| 1 2-on-0 dribble-drive shooting from a 1-2-3 set, with point-guards out top, corners filled. Alternate drives and passes to the corner players. Use both baskets with a full team.
Progression - 1-2-4 set, move to the other guard spot.
Basic options
- backcut - kickup (lift) - kickup-throwback (shoot, give and go) - skip pass to a player lifted out of a corner.
See Layups - Vance Walberg drop, Drop and drag, Shooting - Calipari two-ball, Dribble-drive.
Here 1 and 2 go first, 2 backcuts for a pass, 1 replaces 2. |

| 2 rebounds and goes out top, 4 and 3 go next, continue. Billy Lange - 3 can backdoor for a bounce pass, or cut in front of X3's nose. |

| Progressions
a) Corner kick-outs
1 drives and kicks the ball to 2 in the corner, clears to the other corner. Variation (Doug Novak) - 1 dives to post up, then replaces 2 (in a game, 1 exits if 2 drives middle or baseline). Option - start with another player behind 2. Mike Lee - Drive-kick drills - 1 gets to the elbow, makes a corner kick for a 3. Nate Oats - Kickdown - X2 helps early, before 1 gets to the elbow he makes a simple pass to the corner. Tony Bergeron - if 2 is a big he drives middle for a pull-up jumper. Marc Hart - on a corner catch, shoot or pass. |

| 4 goes next with 3, here drives deeper, then clears to the other corner. |

| b) Early skip passes
On a skip pass to the corner from the drop zone, 1 clears opposite.
Liam Flynn - Drive-kick-clear part 1 - 1 passes to 2 in the weakside corner then clears to the other corner, or 2 makes a shape cut out to the wing extended, 1 passes and clears to the ballside corner (and can get a return pass). |

| 4 goes next with 3. Skip passes, corner kicks, and kickup-throwbacks can generate 3-point shots (also passes back out on drives from the top, see Calipari two-ball). Progression - add a player in the 4-spot, start with a kickback (pitch), alternate a corner skip to the 3-spot with a corner kick to the 2-spot (or a kickup or "quick" pass and clear weakside), continue, switch sides. Complement with 1-4 and 1-5 series.  |