Layups NBA
| 1 Two teams, players are paired up back-to-back at halfcourt, each pair has a number, everybody has a ball.
When coach calls a number, those two players dribble to score at opposite baskets and dribble back to halfcourt first for a point. First team to X points wins.
Option - coach calls two or more numbers, those players all go at the same time, the first team to have all its players back at midcourt after scoring gets a point.
Facundo Patracci - 3 and X3 face each other east-west across the centre circle doing continuous crossover dribbles, try to score first on "go", rotate players.
See 1 on 1 - Controlled.
| 2 Variations
One team on each baseline (play cross-court in both halves with more players) with two balls at halfcourt. When coach calls a number, those two players race to get a ball and dribble to score first at their basket.
Option - one shot only, the first player to score gets 2 points, the second player to score gets 1 point, no points for a miss (see Passing - Two teams).
- coach throws two balls out on the floor and calls a number - coach can call two numbers, those two players on each team must pass the ball to score first, no dribbling. |