Inbounds Baseline Auriemma zone

| 1 Geno Auriemma
Baseline inbound plays against zone defence. They try to line up the same way as often as possible.
4 comes off two screens to the corner. |

| 2 |

| 3 2)
5 pops straight out for a pass, 3 comes right in the middle of the lane, 1 rotates over, 4 comes out top, 2 goes to the weakside block. |

| 4 a)
5 passes to 1, screens X3, 3 comes out, if X3 cheats over, 5 (or 2) will be open for a pass from 1.
See Inbounds - Pin screen. |

| 5 b)
Then they come out the other side. Swing the ball to 4, 3 comes out, 2 looks for the ball, and 5 flashes.
See Inbounds - Single-double. |

| 6 3)
The third player in a stack runs off real hard and buries defenders near the basket. As that happens, 1 comes off a double screen. |

| 7 |