Defence Dave Smart rotations

| 1 Dave Smart Basketball Immersion
See Defence - Dave Smart weak-hand.
3 makes a good move, attacks baseline, X5 helps, and needs help because 5 spaces properly, X2 helps X5 (help the helper).
The bigger X5 is the later he helps, the smaller the earlier.
X3 stays on the ball, if he's big, stay and trap, if he's small, release early.
X1 drops, butt to the baseline.
At the start, the X2 and X1 will be late getting there, but will figure it out as the season goes on, that gets good. |

| 2 X4 has two players, 1 and 4, this is the key spot, and is the one they never figure out if you don't stress it.
X4 needs to read how fast 3 is going and where he is looking.
If 3 jump stops, he is more likely to pass it to 4, especially if he's small; if he's big, X4 might have to wait and see.
If X3 releases to 1, X4 gets to 4. 3 is more likely to pass to 1 if he is going full speed.
If X4 gets good at reading, you never get the long closeout. |

| 3 If 1 dives, X1 has him, X4 has 2 and 4.
If 2 dives, X1 has him, X4 still has 1 and 4.

| 4 If 4 dives as X4 is dropping, X4 can stay with him, he's got to tell X1 early because X1 still has two (1 and 2), and that's a tough two if they curl behind (shown).
If X4 is going to give up 4, then tell X1. This has to be drilled. |

| 5 If 3 passes to 1 on the opposite wing it's a long closeout, X4 knows it, takes the shot away, plays him as a rightie and a shooter, cannot let him drive right, everybody is expecting 1 to go left. (X5 stays with 3, X2 stays with 5, X3 takes 4) |

| 6 If 1 puts it down and blows by, X4 knows he is getting help, X3 helps, X5 takes a pass to 4, X4 is gone, he needs help, he is there before a catch by 3. It's a three-guard rotation. |

| 7 It's another blow-by because it's a long closeout.
Help never comes from the strong-side (X4 is bluffing), X1 helps, X3 drops, X5 releases and might get to 1 before a catch.
If you understand that the ball will never go strong-hand, even though you're in a horrible situation because it's a long closeout, all you need is one attacker to screw up the spacing and you're back into short closeouts. |

| 8 On penetration by 4, X2 can bluff and recover off the post, or he can help, but he has to be clear and obvious to X1. If X2 helps (shown), X1 just keeps going to 5, it's the same drop for X3. Smart likes this better because 4 thinks 5 will be open.

| 9 It works the same if it's not a long closeout, just a crappy job by the on-ball defender.
Here X4 is square, everybody is bluffing, 4 beats X4 left.

| 10 If 4 goes right, X1 knows he is not going to help because X4 is trying to gap and cut off 4, so X1 is just trying to slow him down.
If 4 spins, the help comes from X2. X1 can bluff and kind of stay because if 4 spins he is going to have to drop any way.