Zone set plays Florida low 3s
| 1 Billy Donovan
A three-point shot for 3.
Florida normally starts 3-out 2-in against zone with the bigs on the blocks, then tries to overload the baseline (low) or the top.
1 passes to 2, runs under the rim then cuts out the same side, 3 floats to the baseline.
Never pass and go away against a zone, it's too easy to match up.
| 2 It's 4 against 3 on the baseline, X2 has no man.
If X3 is outside 4, 2 drives the elbow, 5 screens in, 2 skips it to 3 for a shot.
| 3 b)
If X3 is inside 4, 4 screens in, 2 drives the elbow for a throw-back to 1.
| 4 If 1 has no shot he dribbles out of the corner and skips it to 3 (get it the second time), 2 circles to replace 1.