Zone offence X-junk vs triangle and 2
| 1 Alan Lambert
1 and 2 are the guarded players, and will screen for the unguarded players.
| 2 On the pass to 3, 1 and 2 set screens on two interior zone players, an elbow screen weakside and a baseline screen ballside.
| 3 1 and 2 must open up wide after screening, allowing the ball to be passed to 5 if 4 does not have a shot.
| 4
| 5 Any ball reversal to the corner requires high post give and go cut to the basket. This forces the top zone defender to sink temporarily helping to create a high post opening for the weakside cutter filling behind.
| 6 If 1 and 2 are unable to initiate the attack, the best interior ball handler brings the ball up and enter the offence with a second high post stepping out.