Zone offence - Blue Devils
| 1 Keys to zone attack
- line up in the gaps - drive the gaps - freeze dribble - reverse the ball - skip pass - pass fake - attack from behind - inside-out - attack the short corner, high post - overload - screen the zone.
a) 1-3-1
Against a 2-3 zone.
5 goes short corner to short corner, 1 and 4 are not in a tandem. On a pass to the wing, - if a bottom defender comes out on the ball, look to pass to 5 (if he is ballside) or drive baseline (if 5 is weakside) - make a return pass to 1 if a top defender plays the ball, but also look into the high post.
Variation - 1-2-3-4 hot-potato passing, 5 moves block-to-block.
4 and 5 are partners (buddies), when one gets the ball the other goes to the basket. |
| 2 b) Duke runner
Also against a 2-3.
A shooter runs the baseline.
Pass fake to the corner, pass inside to 5.
4 can ballscreen to help reverse the ball.
See Zone offence - Duke, Zone set play - Florida ballscreen 3s.
| 3 c) Two-guard runner
Against a 1-2-2 (or 2-3).
High post and low post (see 1-3-1), two guards, a shooter runs from wing to wing.
5 will cross the lane if 3 passes to 2.
If 1 passes to 4, 5 crosses the lane, 2 goes to the block, 1 and 3 slide down in vision.
See Zone offence - Dave Odom 1-3-1, also Duke, Dave Odom rover.
| 4 d) 2-1-2
Used against a 1-3-1 (or 1-2-2) zone defence.
High-post 5 dives on a pass to a corner.
Against pressure defence, have 2 flash to the high post.
See Zone offence - 2-1-2, Offence - Wootten four to score.