Tactics 3 on 0 back/flarescreens
| 1 FIBA Coaching Library
3 passes to 1, inside cuts, then backscreens for 1 on the pass to 2 and pops out. 1 backcuts then replaces 3.
Option - 1 takes one or two dribbles before passing.
| 2 To continue, 2 passes to 3, basket cuts, then backscreens on the pass to 1 and pops. 3 backcuts and replaces 2.
| 3 Flarescreens
1 passes to 2, 3 flarescreens for 1, 1 runs off the screen, 3 inside cuts, 2 dribbles to the top to replace 1, 3 replaces 2.
| 4 To continue, 2 passes to 3 and runs off a flarescreen by 1.
Option - 2 can pass to 3 or 1, the third player flarescreens.