Shooting Tony Watson series
| 1 For form shooting, see YouTube video - 6-minute form shooting: - accuracy drill (1 minute)- shoot off either side (edge) of the backboard - arc drill (1 minute) - set up behind the backboard on one side where the baseline and (high-school) lane line meet, shoot up and over the backboard into the basket - normal (two-hand) form shooting (3 minutes) - in front of the rim, then on each side - free throws (1 minute). |
| a) Splash Brothers 2-minute drill
5 spots, in 2 minutes make 2 in a row from each spot, then make 10 from the top of the key.
See YouTube video - Splash brothers 2-minute shooting. Augie Johnston - how long to make 2 in a row from 5 spots, mid-range or from 3, see YouTube video - 3 shooting drills. |
| b) Ray Allen drill
6 spots. Make 4 shots going elbow to elbow, 4 shots wing to wing and 4 shots corner to corner (always running behind the 3-point line), then 3 foul shots in a row.
See YouTube video - Ray Allen 3-point drill. |
| c) 3-straight drill
5 spots, from each spot make three shots in a row - a right-hand pull-up, left-hand pull-up, and a 3-point shot. Go back to the right-hand pull-up on any miss.
See YouTube video - 3-straight drill and game shots. Skylar Diggins-Smith - 5 spots 3 shots - 5 spots, catch and shoot and one-dribble pull-ups left and right, 15 shots as many times as you want. Lindsay Whalen - 27 game - 3 spots (wing, top, wing), 9 shots total at each spot, the shots are a 3, pull-up right, pull-up left. Her goal was 21 minimum. |
| d) Game shots
Start at halfcourt, run to the wing for a pass, shoot a 3-pointer (or mid-range), get your rebound. |
| 6 Pass to partner, pop out for a 3-point shot at the same spot, then run back to halfcourt (partner rebounds) and repeat the two-shot sequence until you have made 2 shots in a row, 3 times.
Shoot from any of 5 spots (corners, wings, top) that you shoot from in a game.
See Shooting - 5star on the move. |
| e) Sixes
Make 6 mid-range shots going back and forth from corner to wing, then elbow to elbow, then wing to corner on the other side, switch with partner, repeat with 3-point shots.
See YouTube video - 6`s and elevator shooting. Jake Wright - Ray Allen shooting - 10 makes baseline-wing, elbow-elbow, other baseline-wing, running around a cone each time. |
| f) Elevator
On each side there are 3 cones - close to the basket, mid-range, and at the 3-point line. The cones can lead out to the wings (shown), the corners, or to the top of the key.
Curl around the first cone for a pass, shoot, rebound, pass to partner, then go around the next cone. Make all 3 shots to be done (switch sides).
Also see YouTube video - 1-man elevator shooting.
| g) Star drill
Sprint from the top of the key to the right corner for a shot, then to the left wing, right wing, left corner and back out top for shots. The goal is make 4 out of 5.
See YouTube video - Star drill and Pro drill. Kara Lawson - Duke star shooting - touch out of bounds between shots (sideline, halfcourt). Coach Rock - do star shooting for 2-3-5 minutes. Lindsay Whelan - Star drill - touch halfcourt near a sideline between shots, make 3 of 5 15-foot jumpers to move to the other side. Also see Shooting - Star, Grinnell 4-12. |
| h) Pro drill
Sprint to the wing from halfcourt, catch and shoot, touch halfcourt again on a make, run fullcourt on a miss (shown). Make 5 shots from one spot, shoot free throws, move to a next spot.
See Shooting -Triano 7-spot workout (option a), Machine-gun.
| j) 25 makes
5 spots, make
- a mid-range shot from each spot (moving clockwise, shown) - a one-dribble pull-up right from each spot (coming back) - a one-dribble pull-up left from each spot (clockwise) - a 3-point shot from each spot (coming back).
Make 5 free throws. The best shooters can finish in under 3 minutes.
Also see Shooting - Hanlen NBA challenges (37-point thriller). |
| l) Transition
Use two balls with a passer and rebounder.
5 spots along the 3-point line, run in from the sideline at halfcourt, catch and shoot, touch halfcourt, continue with 4 more shots going away, repeat coming back, keep going until 10 makes (or 5 makes, or 1 or 2 makes from each spot).
See Shooting - Triano 7-spot workout (option a), Run the W, 2-man conditioning.