Shooting Memphis screens
| 1 Tony Barone
a) 1 passes to 3, curls off screener 4 to the elbow for a shot. 2 goes next.
4 sets the screen in the middle of the lane line. If 1 curls short into the lane, his defender can catch up and there is a shot blocker. In a game the screener would step out to 17 feet along the baseline looking for a pass from the top. 1 does not pop to the wing, there is not enough pressure on the defence.
- 1 pushes the screener (into the path of his defender shooting the gap) and fades for a pass and shot - use two screeners, one on each side. |
| 2 b) Add a defender on the cutter, who can use either screen. Have the defender chase to start, so the cutter will curl.
- X1 shoots the gap, 1 bumps and fades - X1 can chase or shoot the gap, 1 reads the defence (don't be in a hurry) and curls or fades. |
| 3 Here X1 shoots the gap, 1 bumps and fades. |