| 2 Team X then goes down fullcourt against team O, which can score 1 point for a stop.
Team O attacks team X coming back, team O scores 1 for a basket, team X scores 1 for a stop.
Teams lose 1 point for each offensive rebound they give up.
Re-start with team O again using a halfcourt attack. First team to 10 points wins (repeat with team X on halfcourt offence). Del Harris - to be a good transition team, the best scrimmage starts with a controlled halfcourt situation then two fullcourt possessions (also do 5 possessions). You can give a point for a score and a point for a stop, the winner of each set can start the next set, or keep track of sets won by each team. Be inventive with halfcourt situations, e.g. 10 seconds to score, use a particular set, a quick-hit inbounds play, or against zone defence. See Transition - Walberg Oregon State, Scrimmages - Pistons (3 trips), 5 on 5 halfcourt to 7. |