Passing Guard passing
| 1 That's a Foul, June 2007
a) Parker speed pass
Player 1 makes quick cross-over dribbles on the spot, then on a signal makes a firm, flat pass to coach on the wing, build up to making a one-hand pass straight off the dribble, go left and right.
Jeff Bauer - make a flick pass, pushing the ball with one hand and stepping with the same-side foot past the defender. |
| 2 b) Middle drive and kick
Coach passes to 1 who drives middle and makes a firm flat chest pass to 2 in the corner.
- one-hand pass straight from the dribble - 2 slides down to the corner on the drive. |
| 3 c) Middle drive, kick and cut
1 drives middle, passes to 2 filling behind for a shot, then cuts to an open area for a pass from coach and a shot. |
| 4 d) Circuit to pass
Dribble the cones at speed, make a firm, flat pass to coach, sprint to get a return pass, speed dribble the remaining cones.
| 5 e) Turn the corner
If coach stays under the basket, pull up for a shot; if coach moves up (shown), kick out to 2.
Option - coach can yell pass or shoot. |
| 6 Variation - beat a cone to the middle after a hesitation move. |