Passing Bigelow partner
| 1 Bob Bigelow
Partner passing, one ball.
a) With lateral shuffle - partners face each other and chest pass back and forth while shuffling about 12 feet to the right then back. Lead the receiver, pass ahead, not where he was.
Two-hand passes tend to be softer, with a little more backspin (soft passes are backspin passes). |
| 2
| 3 b) With defender (monkey in the middle)
Defender 3 has his arms out to the sides, passer 1 has five passing holes - overhead, ears, and armpits. To start, 1 bends his knees, pivots a little and bounce passes to 2 (about 10 feet away). The defender follows the pass.
| 4 2 makes the same pass to 1.
Continue until 1 and 2 have each made five passes, using all the passing holes, then switch the defender.
- pass fake first (e.g., fake low, pass high) - the defender is a "flapping bird", waving his arms up and down (not too fast) pass low when his arms are up and pass high when his hands are down - the passer always follows his pass to become the next "bird" (this is a good drill to start practice). |