Offence UConn 3-out 2-in motion
| 1 Jim Calhoun
a) Corner
5 begs for the ball on the pass to 4. |
| 2 5 keeps going on the pass to 3 for a two-man game. 2 and 4 stagger screen for 1, then get back into a 3-out, 2-in set. Another play can be run on a pass to 1 at the top (or "double corner" means run it twice). |
| 3 b) Chase
1 chases 2 then pivots and passes to 3.
| 4 1 flares off 5, 2 comes off an inside cut using 4, who then begs for the ball. |
| 5 1 comes back off a re-screen by 5. |
| 6 c) Swing
1 passes to 3 and cuts to the ballside short corner. 4 ballscreens for 3, 2 and 5 double screen for 1 (with 2 on the inside), then 2 clears into 3-out, 2-in.
| 7 d) Shuffle
On the pass to 4, 2 shuffle cuts off 5, who then takes the space inside when his defender hedges on the cutter. |
| 8 4 downscreens for 2 on a pass to 3. |
| 9 "Need" plays (need a hoop)
a) Power
3 screens across as 1 clears 4's ballscreen, then 4 downscreens for 3 and opens to the ball. 1 can spin dribble back off 4 if X5 cheats to the middle.
| 10 b) Circle
2 is the shooter. He uses 5 and 4 coming up then circling back down. 3 follows. |
| 11 3 cuts up using 5 and 4. |
| 12 2 runs the baseline on the pass to 3. The ball is passed inside to 4 or 5 if their defenders hedge on the cutter.
If 3 passes back to 1, 2 can run the baseline the other way, again using 5 and 4. |