Offence UCLA
| 1 Hoop Tactics
1-4 set. 1 passes to 2, cuts off a screen by 4 and posts up.
| 2 2 reverses to 4 and downscreens for 1, 5 downscreens for 3.
Option - 1 backscreens for 2.
| 3 If 1 does not get a pass from 2, 1 can backscreen for 4 and exchange positions.
| 4 If the pass from 2 to 4 is denied, 4 screens away for 5 to exchange, or cuts backdoor and 1 cuts to the corner.
| 5 On a pass from 4 to 3, 4 can downscreen for 1 with 2.
| 6 Weakside post split variation - 1 goes weakside and splits with 3 off 5's screen (3 can cut over the screen).
| 7 If 1 passes to 4, 2 cuts backdoor and posts up. 5 downscreens for 3, and 1 flares to an open spot. 1 can lob pass if 4 is overplayed.
| 8 4 passes to 1 and ballscreens, 2 backscreens for 4.
| 9 If 2 is overplayed, 1 dribbles towards the wing, 2 cuts backdoor then posts up. 1 downscreens for 2 on a reversal pass to 4.
| 10 If 4 is overplayed and 1 passes to weakside high post 5, 4 dives to the basket looking for a pass, the wings cut backdoor then spot up in the corners, and 1 flares to the weakside wing.