Offence Izzo quick strikes
| 1 Tom Izzo
Plays put players in a position to be successful. With a young team, stay on one side or the other.
1) Quick strikes after a made free throw by the other team
a) Pistol
3 sprints upcourt then button hooks at the foul-line extended behind the arc, 1 hits him then sprints right by, 3 can give it back (first option). 5 is probably not yet in the lane, he ballscreens for 3, 2 is deep in the other corner, 4 pins down wide for 2 then slips to the block. 4 stays wide even if X2 sags (don't go in the lane), 2 will flare it. |
| 2 b) Pistol down
3 is overplayed, 1 dribbles right by, 5 flarescreens for 3, there is still a pin-down on the other side.
This is a good play for a 3-point shot late by 3 late in the game. |
| 3 5 ballscreens for 1, 3 and 2 space away.
If X5 helps on the flarescreen he can't help on the ballscreen. |
| 4 c) Double
5 is at the ballside block, 1 dribbles through 2 who loops up using 5, 4 sets a second screen inside the foul line. |
| 5 5 backscreens for 1 on a pass to 2. who passes to 3. |
| 6 5 and 4 stagger (or double) screen for 1.
On any stagger screen, the first screener button hooks back to the ball (the slip man), the second screener finds an open area for a 12-foot shot (the space man).
A double screen lends itself to slipping and spacing. |
| 7 d) Flip
1 reverses to 4, 5 backscreens for 2, 4 passes to 3.
| 8 5 and 4 stagger screen for 2. |
| 9 2) Thumb down series
Down means a ballscreen.
a) Basic
3 pops out for a pass, 5 backscreens for 1, who UCLA cuts taking the line of least resistance opposite his defender, and makes sure he gets a layup or X5 helps.
If 3 is overplayed, 5 sprints up for a pass, 3 goes backdoor. |
| 10 5 ballscreens for 3, 4 and 2 sandwich double screen for 1 (one is a little behind the other), bottom guy 2 is the space man.
| 11 b) Miami
1 lopes off the UCLA screen, 5 picks, rolls and screens for 1 to come back, 4 pins down for 2 on the weakside. |
| 12 c) Twist
For a big. As soon as 1 comes off 2 and 4 they keep going to screen for 5, trying to get to the other side of the basket.
| 13 3 passes to 1 who looks inside for 5. |
| 14 d) Quick
4 screens for 2 to get an elbow shot.
| 15 3) Thumb up curl
5 pops out for a pass instead of ballscreening for 3, 4 screens for 2 to curl tight.
| 16 4 then screens for 1 and posts on a pass to 1. |
| 17 4) Loop series
At the end of the break, 5 is in the post.
1 loops 2 around to the top, his first option is 5. |
| 18 1 passes to 2, 5 backscreens for 1, 4 pins down for 3, who curls. |
| 19 4 screens down for 1, 5 screens down for 3. It is hard for X4 and X5 to help when the ball is in the middle of the floor.
Spurs 2007 fast break - 1 and 3 come together then pop one way or the other.
| 20 b) Loop dive
Instead of trailing when 2 loops, X2 overplays (going ballside), 5 takes a step out of the block, 2 plants and backcuts. 4 pins down for 3 on the dive, 3 curls.
| 21 The finish is the same, 1 dribbles middle, 5 and 4 screen for 3 and 2.
| 22 c) Loop Down
4 ballscreens as the ball is in the air to 2, he rolls, 5 replaces.
| 23 On a pass to 5 he passes to 1 and ballscreens, 4 flashes from the weakside block and should be open with X4 helping on the roll.
They are looking at a lot of ways to run into ballscreens.
| 24 5) 15
5 comes up and sets a flat ballscreen as high as he can.
| 25 If X5 helps, 1 hooks a pass back to 5, 4 screens for 3 as the pass is in the air then slips.
5 does not have to be a good shooter, X5 helps off him to stop penetration, making 5 an easy passer.