Offence Hawk
| 1 Hoop Tactics
1 can drive the basket if open.
- 4 then downscreens for 2, posts up and exchanges positions (pin down) - 2 backscreens for 4 and exchanges positions.
| 2 On ball reversal, 4 looks inside for 5.
If 4 is overplayed, 4 backcuts or downscreens for 5 to exchange positions, or 3 can backscreen for 4 while 5 clears to the wing.
| 3 If 5 is not open for a pass from 4, 5 can seal and gets a pass inside from 3. 4 and 1 screen away for 2.
| 4 Sidescreen variation.
| 5 Triple screen variation.
Or 1 can downscreen for 2, providing a single-double option.