Layups 4-corner
| 1 Two balls. 4 in the corner passes to 3, runs across the middle for a return pass, passes ahead to 2, goes behind 7 (players rotate counter-clockwise). 3 follows his pass to the middle. Ian MacKinnon - 2 has the second ball to start, not 8 - 4 follows his second pass to go behind 6. |
| 2 2 passes to 3 who passes ahead to 1 and goes behind 6, 2 follows his pass to the middle. Ian MacKinnon - 3 goes behind 5. |
| 3 1 passes to 2 for a layup, 1 rebounds and goes to the passing line behind 8. 2 goes behind 5 in the rebounding line.
8 starts the next layup with a pass to 7 and runs to the middle.
- 8 passes to 7 when 2 first gets a pass - add a third ball. Ian MacKinnon - 2 goes behind 4. |
| 4 For left-hand layups, the balls start in the other corner, players rotate clockwise. |