Inbounds Sideline Spain handback
| 1
1 breaks out high for the inbounds pass (4 may need to step out and downscreen if 1 is being denied), 4 breaks high for a pass from 1, who follows for an immediate handback. 2 has cut to the weakside corner, and 5 curls towards the ballside block. |
| 2 1 dribbles to the other side of the floor as 3 cuts off a backscreen from 5, 2 breaks towards the ball to occupy his defender, 4 prepares to screen. |
| 3 If there is no pass, 3 reverses direction and uses a staggered screen from 5 and 4 (who re-angles his screen if X3 goes ballside), 1 brings the ball back to the screening action so the pass is not too long. |