Inbounds Sideline Golden State

| 1 Some Golden State Warriors sideline out-of-bounds plays.
See YouTube video - Golden State SLOB series.
a) Zipper pistol
1 (Curry) is the inbounder, 3 zipper cuts using 4 to get the inbounds pass, 4 can clear to the corner (shown, if a shooter, e.g. Green), or stay inside. |

| 2 |

| 3 b) Two
4 screens for 2 (Thompson), who shoots or turns the corner (shown).
(Option - 4 comes back out to ballscreen)
See YouTube videos - Golden State SLOB 2, also Spurs SLOB 3.

| 4 c) Triple
3 zipper cuts for the inbounds pass.

| 5 Curry runs off a triple screen, 4 turns and screens for 2 (Thompson).
If his defender cheats over the first screen, Curry will reject the screen, bump back for a pass. |

| 6 If shooters aren't open, 5 shapes up for a pass, Curry goes backdoor. |

| 7 d) Wide pin-down
3 zipper cuts for the inbounds pass, 5 screens for 2, who can use or reject the screen.
5 can slip the screen.
Chris Oliver - the cutter can straight pop, reject, curl or flare the screen. A counter should be added if the defence takes away the cutter, e.g. 5 gets a pass from 3. A spread ballscreen can be run, 5 ballscreens for 3 on the inbounds pass.
See YouTube video - Sideline out-of-bounds sequencing.
Also see Inbounds - Barcelona. |