| 1 Tony Bergeron
1 v-cuts to the wing, shows an outside target hand, gets a pass from coach (Bergeron likes a bounce pass), catches and faces pivoting on the permanent pivot foot, makes a shot fake, and passes back to coach. 2 goes next.
Ganon Baker - change speeds on your cuts, e.g., stop cut (stop and go on an athletic cut from the block, read the defender).
Option - use the left side too with another coach. Scott Adubato - on a v-cut, take the defender down, get into him, pop out. Use two steps (L-R from the right wing), use your pivot to break him (crossover step, it can be across the defender). FIBA Coaching Library - take the defender down to the block, get close to him and step over before running out to receive the pass. Jay Wright - if denied after v-cutting, walk into the defender, step over in front with the right foot (on the right wing), throw the inside (right) arm up, pop out with the outside hand as a target, reverse pivot on the outside foot. Canada Basketball - on a v-cut, setting up the cut to the sideline restricts the ability of teammates to attack the rim, when breaking to the sideline it is very hard to read the defence since vision is away from the middle of the court (the attacker must play control), and a backdoor cut requires a 180-degree change of direction. A blast cut toward the ball is an attacking cut since the attacker can read the defence, a backcut is only a 90-degree cut, the passer has room to dribble penetrate, and it keeps the basket open for other cutters to attack the rim. coachesclipboard.ca - lockdown - many times players don't have time to blast cut or v-cut, they can use a lockdown (perimeter post-up) to get open on the wing, walk into the defender, swim the baseline arm over into an arm bar while stepping over with the baseline foot, extend the outside hand as a target, pass out into space. |