Defending DeMatha star close-out
| 1 Mike Jones
Force the ball sideline-baseline, deny one pass away, two passes from the ball have at least one foot in the lane, three passes away be in the hole.
There are five perimeter attackers (can be coaches), 2 has the ball, each defender will defend all five attackers, and call out his position (ball, deny, help, hole).
When coach slaps the ball, X1 sprints to deny 1 from the middle of the lane ("deny!").
Option - 1 has the ball, X1 closes out. (Variation - use only 3 or 4 perimeter attackers)
| 2 Next X1 runs to touch hands with X2 then closes out on 2 while X2 denies 1. |
| 3 X1 and X2 run to touch hands with X3, X1 denies 3, X2 closes out on 2, X3 denies 1. |
| 4 X1-X2-X3 run to touch hands with X4, X1 guards 4 in a help position, X2 denies 3, X3 closes out on 2, X4 denies 1. |
| 5 X1-X2-X3-X4 run to touch hands with X5, X1 guards 5 in the hole, X2 guards 4, X3 denies 3, X4 closes out on 2, X5 denies 1. |
| 6 X1 goes off, X6 comes on, and will deny 1.
Continue until last defender X6 is in the hole, defending 5.
See Defending - Philly close-outs. |