Defending 3 on 3 take a charge
| 1 Ian MacKinnon
Each player takes a charge in three charge spots - a middle drive, a drive from the top, and a baseline drive. See Defending - 3 on 3 kick-out, Forcing left shell.
2 drives middle, gap defender X1 takes a charge (2 pushes him in the chest with the ball), X3 takes first pass, X1 stays with 2, beaten defender X2 has leftovers. |
| 2 1 drives with his left hand from the top, weakside X1 takes a charge, X3 has 2 (leftovers). (Variation - put 2 at the weakside low post)
| 3 3 drives baseline, X1 takes a charge.
Rotate defenders, then attackers to defence. (Variation - put 1 at the weakside or ballside low post)