| 1 Hoop Tactics
Early time is the time before practice actually begins, or a warm-up for an individual workout. It prepares you physically and mentally. It can be done fullcourt or modified for halfcourt.
1) Ballhandling
Warm up your hands and wrists by dribbling a ball with each hand, head up, crossover in front and behind your legs, dribble around each leg, etc.
2) Basic running
a) Jog upcourt with both hands up, pause, jog back.
b) Backward running - run to halfcourt with hands up, turn and run backwards to the far baseline, pause and repeat coming back.
c) Cross-over running - carioca upcourt facing one sideline, pause, repeat coming back, facing the same side.
d) Vertical jumping (like skipping) - go upcourt jumping off one leg then the other, the opposite knee comes up toward the chest and the opposite hand is as high as possible, pause, turn and repeat coming back.
e) Hopping - hop back and forth on one leg along a sideline (or other line), change legs at halfcourt, hop to the far baseline, pause, turn and repeat coming back.
f) Accelerations - sprint to halfcourt then decelerate to the baseline, pause and repeat coming back.
g) Defensive slides - run to halfcourt, turn and defensive slide, changing directions, to the baseline, pause and repeat coming back.
Coach K
- jog up and back - high knees to halfcourt, jog the rest - slide to halfcourt, pivot to change lead foot - carioca to halfcourt, pivot to change lead foot - backpedal to halfcourt, turn and jog the rest. Ray Lokar - jog up and back - jog to halfcourt, turn and backpedal the rest - high knees - butt kicks - carioca - power skips (arms mimic a layup) - skate jumps (bound forward and to the side) - v-cuts - hop stops (quick jump stops) - pivots (hop stop each quarter court, reverse pivot, forward pivot) - defensive slides, facing the baseline, changing directions (zig-zag) - slide, sprint, slide - zig-zag vs v-cuts (partner v-cuts, stay in front of him). "Change" series (change direction) - run, change directions 180 degrees on "change" (or a whistle) - run forwards, backwards on "change" - lateral slide, change direction on "change". |