| 1 Renato Pasquali
3 on 3 with a momentary advantage for the attackers. (Option - start with 2 on 2) See 1 on 1 - Pasquali corner-wing cuts, Pasquali weakside, Dave Malowski. a) While defenders X2 and X4 circle, coach puts out his left or right hand (here his right hand), on-ball defender X3 must touch it with his opposite hand (here left) then recover, 3 reads and makes the most of the advantage. Find the open man in a 3-on-2, players without the ball must move where the ball can see them. (Variations to create an advantage) - X3 starts with his back to 3, facing the basket, see below - put a cone on each side of 3, X3 must touch either cone. Chris Oliver - 4 on 4 blind, X3 has his back to 3, who attacks when ready (or on "go", a clap, or a catch), only baseline to begin, the help defender calls "rotate". Also attack from a slot, help from the rim not the ballside wing. |